
From undergraduates to CEO’s, this section is designed to provide educational resources for ongoing professional development. Learn about upcoming student events and activities. As a student, you will receive a substantial discount to HCE events, including the Annual Conference in November.

Each year HCE produces College Bowl, a Jeopardy-like program, in which Graduate students from the various programs in the Southern California area compete. As you will see, HCE provides various networking and educational opportunities for future health care leaders. Use the links on the left to learn more.

This section also provides more information on how to attain the prestigious Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) credential.

ACHE Advancement to Fellow

Advancing to Fellow status is more than just adding the FACHE credential after your name, it shows your dedication to excellence in healthcare management. To achieve the Fellow of the American College of Healthcare Executives (FACHE) credential, candidates must demonstrate their education, experience and leadership in the health care field.

Undergraduate/Graduate Programs

Below are links to the various undergraduate and graduate programs in Health Administration throughout the Southern California area:

2024 ACHE SoCal Student Scholarship


Lifting, Inspiring, Fostering, and Transforming Future Healthcare Leaders 


The ACHE of Southern California Student Scholarship is intended to support undergraduate and graduate students with exceptional talent and leadership who are seeking a future career in healthcare administration. The chapter will award $5,000 scholarships to 2 – 3 students in November of 2024. Academic scholarships will be awarded on an annual basis to students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in health administration or public health (i.e., BA, BPH, BS, BSN, MHA, MPH, MSN, DNP, DrPH, PhD).

Student Scholarship Application

The ACHE of Southern California Student Scholarship is intended to support undergraduate and graduate students with exceptional talent and leadership who are seeking a future career in healthcare administration. Academic scholarships will be awarded on an annual basis to students pursuing undergraduate and graduate degrees in health administration or public health (i.e., BA, BPH, BS, BSN, MHA, MPH, MSN, DNP, DrPH, PhD). Applicants must be enrolled at least half time in an undergraduate or graduate degree program within the past six (6) months. 

Selection is determined through a committee process and is based upon the applicant meeting eligibility criteria, completion of the application documents, and available funds. Scholarships are awarded based on dollars available in the scholarship fund and the number of individuals who have applied. 

Award winners:

  • Will be required to provide an impact summary of the scholarship on their academic and professional endeavors one-year post-award. 
  • Are not a previous recipient of this scholarship.

Application Criteria

  • All applications must be submitted through and should include the following:

  • Enrollment in a current undergraduate or graduate degree program with a healthcare focus at least part-time.

  • Completed profile with biography, educational background, work history, and any other relevant information.

  • Two (2) personal statements

  • All applicants should be California residents.
  • Application Timeline

  • June 25: Scholarship Opens on (will be linked here)

  • September 30: Deadline to Submit Application through Bold.Org

  • October 30: Award Winner Notified

  • November 14/15: ACHE of SoCal Annual Conference and Scholarship Award Presentation

Become a student scholarship donor!

2024 Donors:

2024 Individual Donors:

Anne Tanner


Special Thanks to Our 2023 Donors:

Special Thanks to Our 2023 Individual Donors:

Clare Lee

Krisianna Bock

Anne Tanner

Huma Shah

Diana Milan-Finley

Paul De Young

Nathan Shinagawa

Robert Simonet

Jennifer Combs

Kristin Christophersen

Katelyn Michtich

Lauren Geeb

Yamilett Medrano

Tricia Kassab

Sylvia Lozano

Josue Arvayza

Cathi Sinardi

Chanelle Bowers

Maham Chaudhry

Melanie Patterson

Tamara Dilbeck

Erlyana Erlyana

Shannon McDougall

Debbie Moysychyn

Mike Lee

Kristin Fischer

Jennie Sierra

Kerry Jenkins

Sam El Mustapha

Victor Carrasco

Fallon Wallace

Thomas Dougherty

Dr. Benga Agbelemose

Aline Brower